Cellar C3003 - Brera
C3003 - Brera

All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only

Cellar C3003 - Brera

C3003 Brera it's a cellar, solid and durable.
It's perfect to showcase wine bottles, liqueurs or bottled beverages.

Every display we produce is fully customizable, we can directly digitally print your logo on the top-card, we can completely or just partially water paint them and we can obviously change them in shapes or dimensions.
And if that's not enough we can easily design a new display by scratch to fit your needs!


In order to follow our environment responsibility path we decided to use only water-based colors to paint the wooden displays we produce. This kind of color enhances the veins and gives a final tone slightly opaque but still warm and catchy. A painted display is the best way to showcase your products in a more appealing way.
We can also customize the final colors using specific given codes (Pantone, RAL, etc.)

Light Green
Dark Green
Light Blue

Technical Data
Wood type Birch
Wood thickness 9 mm.
Shelves 0
External dimensions 97 x 15 x 83 cm.
Weight 6,10 Kg.
Suggested max load
per shelf
25-30 Kg.


Questa cantinetta può contenere 25 bottiglie

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Partecipazione a fiera internazionale "MARCA" 18^ Edizione - MARCABYBOLOGNAFIERE 2022 - BOLOGNA IL 12 E 13 APRILE 2022.
Trattasi della seconda fiera internazionale in Europa del settore MDD ed è l'unica manifestazione italiana interamente dedicata alla marca commerciale, nella quale quasi 900 aziende espongono i prodotti dell'eccellenza italiana a Marca del Distributore.