The best italian woodworkery

When you look up "woodworker" in the dictionary you can find the following definition: "a person who works in wood, such as a carpenter, joiner, or cabinet-maker".
What is not mentioned however is that to manage the raw material, the wood, you need 3 main skills: experience, passion and love.

The woodworking experience of Amici Atos is rooted in the culture of handmade works of the early twentieth century and has been handed down with love, from father to son, for four generations.
And it is thanks to the passion for wood, which evolves into cutting-edge machinery and techniques, mixed with that experience and that love that today we can guarantee the production of wooden displays, standard and tailor-made, durable and of very high quality.

Our mission: Environmental Responsibility

Environmental responsibility refers to our responsibility to use natural resources carefully, minimise damage, and ensure these resources will be available for future generations. And that's exactly how we manage to carry out our activities: not only thinking about environmental sustainability, but also economic and social sustainability, which are strictly interrelated.
That's why the entire production of our wooden displays is performed using only wood (birch plywood) from forests properly managed and FSC certified. The knock-down design with interlocking panels grants a great way to save money and space, and even the customization is done through the use of natural and ecological materials, such as water-based painting colors.

We do call it "Wood Passion". It starts from the roots and it's reflected in every step of our job.

Every customers who have accepted the challenge and now use wooden display are extremely satisfied and have significantly increased their sells.
Don't waste time anymore, contact us and change from today the way to showcase your products.
Choose wood, choose Amici Atos.

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about our interlocked wooden displays!

Partecipazione a fiera internazionale "MARCA" 18^ Edizione - MARCABYBOLOGNAFIERE 2022 - BOLOGNA IL 12 E 13 APRILE 2022.
Trattasi della seconda fiera internazionale in Europa del settore MDD ed è l'unica manifestazione italiana interamente dedicata alla marca commerciale, nella quale quasi 900 aziende espongono i prodotti dell'eccellenza italiana a Marca del Distributore.